5. Building the BRASH Docker images

If you want to do a docker-based development, we have the brash_docker repository available, which hosts a set of files that allow you to build docker images to test the BRASH software.

The instructions below show how to build the Docker image files for BRASH. For more details, consult the README from the brash_docker repository.

5.1. Checkout brash_docker

  1. Recursively clone this repository:

    git clone --recursive git@github.com:traclabs/brash_docker

    If you’ve already cloned the repository without the recursive flag, you may run git submodule update --init --recursive` to complete the base checkout.

  2. ROS packages are currently configured using the vcstool. This tool clones the required repositories (which will be downloaded to brash/src) using either https or ssh based Github links.

    cd ${HOME}/brash_docker
    cd brash
    mkdir src
    vcs import src < https.repos     # User choice of https.repos or ssh.repos

5.2. Build images (dev mode)

  1. Go to your top folder and build the base images (cfs-dev, rosgsw-dev and rosfsw-dev):

    $ cd ${HOME}/brash_docker
    $ ./scripts/build_images.sh
  1. Build the workspace for fsw:

    $ cd ${HOME}/brash_docker
    $ ./scripts/build_cfe.sh
  2. Build the workspace for rosgsw :

    $ cd ${HOME}/brash_docker
    $ ./scripts/build_brash.sh

    No need to build for rosfsw as we are mounting to the same location.

5.3. Check images

To check your images, you can type in your terminal

$ docker image ls

You should see something like:

REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
rosfsw-dev   latest    74a04f33ec08   About a minute ago   4.85GB
rosgsw-dev   latest    e0200ecb6f0d   3 minutes ago        4.24GB
ros-base     latest    2e1b2babbf53   3 minutes ago        4.22GB
cfs-dev      latest    238d2b179933   6 minutes ago        507MB