.. BRASH_docs documentation master file BRASH Toolkit Documentation =========================== This is documentation for TRACLabs' BRASH (*Bridge for ROS2 Application to Space Hardware*) software toolkit. In the following pages you will find instructions on how to checkout, build, and run the basic tools. Guides on how to configure your own system to use the BRASH tools are forthcoming. Further Information: -------------------- * Contact: `brash@traclabs.com `_ * Code repository: `https://github.com/traclabs/brash `_ * Issue Tracker: `https://github.com/traclabs/brash/issues `_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: :numbered: Getting Started Groundsystem Bridge Demonstration RobotSim Demonstration BRASH Docker Images Building the BRASH Docker images Running the RobotSim demo with docker Running the Rover demo with docker Using the BRASH Docker production images Running the RobotSim demo in a distributed setup Building BRASH Docker images with SpaceROS Mars rover demo in SpaceROS Add an app for the Canadarm in SpaceROS [NEW!] End-to-end tutorial Generating Custom Messages File transfer using the CFDP ROS API Available BRASH Tools Using the OpenMCT ROS Plugin to visualize data on the ground Running tests .. Additional Development Resources .. --------------------------------- .. This project is in active development. The resources on this section .. are for brash-maintainers only as they are being actively changed; but .. added here for easy reference. Once stable, .. the resources here will be moved to the regular tutorials section above. .. [DEV-ONLY!] Rover Demo construction! More information on our tools can be found in the following video presentation from the 2023 FSW Workshop: .. youtube:: FXPqEMbNhi4 :width: 640 :height: 480 | | This work has been funded by NASA STTR Contracts #80NSSC20C0310 and #80NSSC22CA020.