.. _brash_robotsim_demo: BRASH RobotSim Demo ################### This page will take you through how to run everything for the RobotSim demo. It uses a number of ROS2 `messages `_ that have been automatically generated from cFS binaries, each with a dedicated topic. This example provides a demonstration on how a ROS2 ecosystem running as part of a mission Ground System could communicate with a cFS application. Start cFS ========= .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/code/TL_cFS/build/exe/cpu1 $ ./core-cpu1 2>&1 | tee out.txt Start the BRASH groundsystem bridge =================================== .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/code/brash $ . install/local_setup.bash $ ros2 launch cfe_plugin cfe_bridge.launch.py Start ROS2 nodes in the ground system ====================================== Start the ROS2 nodes you need to command and visualize the robot .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/code/brash $ . install/local_setup.bash $ ros2 launch brash_application_tools robot_sim_tracarm.launch.py This launch file starts the following nodes: * An *rqt* node with a default perspective. * A *robot_state_publisher* node to visualize the tracarm robot. * A *joint_state_publisher_gui* node, to send commands to the robot. * A *joint_state_converter* node, which republishes 2 types of ROS2 messsages: * Telemetry messages of type **cfe_msgs/RobotSimHkTlmt** into **sensor_msgs/JointState** (from the cfe_plugin to the robot_state_publisher). * Joint command messages of type **sensor_msgs/JointState** into **RobotSimJointCmdt** (from the joint_state_publisher_gui to the cfe_plugin). * An Rviz node to see the robot. You should see these windows pop up: .. figure:: _static/robosim_tracarm_start.png :width: 800px :alt: groundsystem_robosim_tracarm :align: center Start the BRASH sbn bridge in the flight system ================================================== Run the **cfe-sbn** bridge to see cfe data in ROS2. .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/code/brash $ . install/local_setup.bash $ ros2 launch cfe_sbn_plugin cfe_sbn_bridge.launch.py Setup rqt gui ============= #. In **Message Publisher** : Enable the TO output by sending a command message to ``/groundsystem/to_lab_enable_output_cmd`` . Before sending the command, you'll need to expand the ``payload`` field in the UI and set the ``dest_ip`` the approprate IP, probably ``''`` unless you have changed it in ``TO_Lab`` and ``CI_Lab``. After this, send the command by right clicking over the topic and selecting **Publish Selected Once**. .. figure:: _static/rqt_robotsim_tracarm_dest_ip.png :width: 800px :alt: Enable TO output :align: center .. warning:: The step above is fundamental to get the data flowing to the ground! As mentioned in the Groundsystem demo, you'll know that your request was sent back to cFE if you see this message in the cFE terminal: .. figure:: _static/cfs_terminal_after_to_lab_enable_highlighted.png :width: 600px :alt: core-cpu1 message showing TO Lab message received :align: center #. In **MatPlot** , add these topics if they are not there already: * Add the topic ``/groundsystem/robot_sim_hk_tlm/payload/state/joint3`` * Add the topic ``/flightsystem/robot_sim_state_tlm/joints/joint3`` .. figure:: _static/robosim_tracarm_rqt_plot.png :width: 800px :alt: rQT Monitor pane :align: center Controlling the robot ===================== With everything running, you can use the joint state publisher GUI to set the position of the robot. You will see the robot move to achieve the desired goal in RViz, where the position is updated from the 1Hz TO telemetry message. In the rqt plot window you can see this joint position as updated by the low frequency TO data, and the higher frequency telemtery received by the SBN bridge instance. .. youtube:: xP7NuDsNmUQ :width: 640 :height: 480 Of course in a "realistic" scenario, cFE and the SBN bridge would not be running in the same place as the ground system bridge and rviz tools, but this demonstration gives a flavor of how our BRASH bridge tools can be used in both flight and ground contexts and be used to interact with a robot system in different ways.