.. _brash_docker_production: Using the BRASH Production Docker images ######################################### To use the production images to follow the documentation (instead of development), you'll need to: 1. Pull the production images from ghcr.io to your machine (we host the images `here `_ ) 2. Re-tag them (e.g. from brash_docker/cfs to cfs). 3. Use the tutorials' instructions as usual, but referencing *docker-compose-prod.yml* instead of *docker-compose-dev.yml* . Steps ====== 1. Checkout the brash_docker repo: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone git@github.com:traclabs/brash_docker Note that we don't need to clone recursively here, as all the code is compiled in the production images already. 2. Pull the images: .. code-block:: bash $ docker pull ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:cfs $ docker pull ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:rosgsw $ docker pull ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:rosfsw The images are public, so anybody can access them. However, you need to be logged in the Github's container registry. If you cannot pull them (e.g. you get an error saying something about *manifest missing*) then chances are you are not logged in. See the Note at the bottom of this page for some help. 3. If everything went well, the prod images should have been downloaded to your machine: .. code-block:: bash ana@strelka:~/ros2/brash_docker$ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker rosfsw 5274b9ac2413 58 minutes ago 4.64GB ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker rosgsw 2fb6ef416816 About an hour ago 3.93GB ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker cfs c30782762138 About an hour ago 559MB 4. Finally, re-tag the images so they can be used with the production compose file: .. code-block:: bash $ docker image tag ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:cfs cfs:latest $ docker image tag ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:rosgsw rosgsw:latest $ docker image tag ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:rosfsw rosfsw:latest 5. You are done! If you want to use any of the docker-related tutorials, you are all set. Only remember that you have to use the -prod compose file instead of the -dev one. For instance, if an instruction in the tutorials say something like: .. code-block:: bash $ docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up fsw You'll type instead: .. code-block:: bash $ docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up fsw Good luck! Additional notes ================ If you have trouble pulling images from ghcr.io, a likely reason is that you are not logged in to the github's container registry. If so, the next steps might be helpful: .. note:: **Accessing images:** To pull the docker images hosted in ghcr.io, you'll need to do 2 things: 1. Create a personal access token (classic) * Open `New personal access token (classic) `_ * Give your token a name (eg. "Read package token") * Select the "read:packages" scope. .. figure:: _static/brash_docker_token_classic_1.png :width: 500px :alt: Create token 1 :align: center * Click on "Generate Token". .. figure:: _static/brash_docker_token_classic_2.png :width: 500px :alt: Create token 2 :align: center * Copy the token (ie. :code:`ghp_...`) and store it in a text file. 2. Login to Github's container registry * Open a new terminal * Run "docker login ghcr.io -u my_github_username", replace my_github_username with your Github username. * When prompted for a password, enter the token you generated. (Don't enter your github password, it won't work.) 3. You should be able to pull the docker images now, e.g.: .. code-block:: bash $ docker pull ghcr.io/traclabs/brash_docker:cfs